Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day 132 - Busy, Busy, Busy

so this past week i have been dealing with a sinus infection, and that made my jaw pain increase substantially. the areas on either side of my nose not only ached immensely from the sinus infection, but also the plates there from surgery just made my whole face ache. ouch! luckily i am starting to feel better from the antibiotics i got, and things are going back to normal.

sorry i haven't updated for a while! golf season just made me insanely busy. since i have to go finish up some homework, ill just attach a few random pictures, and then update at a later date?

im set to get braces off at the end of january as of now.


my HUGE pills for my sinus infection. 875 mg.

my last homecoming!

golf tournament with my tissue box. don't golf with a sinus infection. not fun.

GUYS. I had my first piece of gum today (well multiple). another reason why i felt it appropriate to make a post. Before surgery i was truly addicted to gum, we are talking like 5+ pieces of gum a day, so it is pretty darn great for it not to hurt to chew it again. yay for normalcy!

I still get headaches and randoms aches depending on the day, but hoping that it just continues to be less and less... some things are irritating from surgery.. but overall i can live with it.

hope all is well with you guys!



  1. Good to hear your getting along all right! This whole process is nearly over for the both of us! You look really pretty in your homecoming picture too :) x

    1. aww thank you so much :):) i cant wait til our braces are off!!! thatll be the best day ever. looks like you are doing really well too, so yay for that :)

  2. Glad you are doing so well Katie! I myself will likely be getting surgery in 1-2 months. Hopefully it will go as well as yours!

    1. thank you!! keep me updated on how it goes, id love to be able to help in any way. im happy that you are able to get it over with soon. that is the best feeling. best of luck :)

    2. Thanks Katie! I am really happy too, since I am actually being kicked off my dad's insurance plan on 1/1/14...doing it just in time :-). I had my final pre-op orthodontist appointment today and did all the surgeon's prep stuff (3D CT, X-rays, pictures, molds) last week. It's "real" now!

    3. good timing! :) that "real" feeling is so scary yet exciting at the same time, make sure to enjoy eating crunchy foods until surgery! particularly raw carrots, gum, and crackers. haha

  3. You look amazing! So happy life is getting back to normal, and how exciting you are getting braces off soon!!! My ortho mentioned end of December, possibly. So exciting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

    1. aww thank you! you do too :) thatd be awesome for you to get your braces off by the holidays!! hope that actually happens:)
